India is a big country with a healthy but developing economy. It still has a long way to go before it can be counted amongst the developed economies of the world. But, on its way, the country has to face a lot of challenges to tackle such as poverty, child labor, education, medical facilities and getting people of India their due rights. It has become an even tougher challenge especially due to the ever-growing population of the country.
The government is doing its work, but it needed some support which came in the form of NGOs. The NGOs are the nonprofit or the non government organizations that exist in a society to play the role of a philanthropist or a humanitarian. There are different types of NGOs operating in far and wide locations of India doing different nature of welfare work for the community.

Types of NGOs in India, according to their size:
According to Mission Heal, the NGOs in India can be categorized as one of the following based on their size:
- Large Scale NGOs.
- Large scale NGOs with large full time paid staff.
- The multinational bodies or NGOs.
- NGOs with their branch offices at multiple locations worldwide. For example the Oxfam, NGO Red Cross or the international committee etc.
Types of NGOs located in India, according to their geographical limitations/ scope:
The following are the main types of India located in India, according to their geographical scope or limitation:
- NGOs limited locally till a town, city or a district.
- NGOs working at national level.
- NGOs working at national and international level.
- NGOs working in a specific area such as a warzone.
Types of NGOs in India with a thematic scope:
There are some types of NGOs which are operating in the country with a thematic scope. The following are the main features of such NGOs working in India:
- Such NGOs main concern always is the human rights issues, the environment and several other similar issues.
- Such thematic NGOs can also be some watch-dog NGOs or some campaigning groups.
- They could specifically be associated with education, disaster relief work and with other types of proactive priorities.
- The thematic issues might primarily devote their attention on a single/ broader multi issue assortment.
Types of NGOs located in India based on different sectors:
The following is a list of some different NGO sectors or domains in which Non Government Organizations work:
- Age care NGOs – The ones working for the old aged people
- Women NGOs
- Child Education NGOs
- Art and Craft
- Agriculture
- Tribal people
- Drinking water
- Animal welfare
- City Development
- Rural Development
- Environment
- Society/ community development
- Waste management
- Education
- Culture and Heritage
- Disability
- Health and Hygiene
- Rape/ sexual abuse
- Transgender
- Disaster management
- Science and Technology
- Poverty Removal
- Population
- Housing and slums
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