Monday, December 15, 2014

Mission Heal Foundation | Promoting Welfare Activities

Selfless acts of kindness, whether at individual level or collective, are of paramount significance to any community. Act of giving is a source of pleasure for many people who care for others. Mission Heal Foundation is basically a welfare non-governmental organization which is being run by similar kinds of people who value others and do something practical to mitigate the pains of others around them. No country can progress by ignoring the underprivileged sections of the society. So far as India is concerned, social and economic disparities are rampant. 

People die of hunger every minute in India. Communities who are facing serious food insecurities cannot even think about sending their children to school. In short, millions of people cannot afford to have the basic necessities for their children and families. On such fragile circumstances, importance of welfare organizations like Mission Heal Foundation is immense. 

Welfare Activities of the Mission Heal

Mission Heal Foundation has been actively busy in welfare activities of different nature. However, the main objective of all those welfare activities is to be a helping hand for weaker segments of the society.  Some of the major activities of the Mission Heal can be summarized. 

·        Protection of child rights 

·        Woman empowerment 

·        Poverty eradication

·        Campaigning, seminars, camps and rallies

·        Free food and cloth distribution among the have-nots

A Major portion of the Trust’s resources is spent on child development. Education is the fundamental right of every of children and Trust helps children with schooling and educational material. Children deprived of education and basic rights are often forced to work. Keeping children away from schools is equal to killing the talent and strength of a child. Similarly, protecting child rights and equipping them with an education is to save the future of a nation. Mission Heal has been doing so for years to protect the future of those children who are, otherwise, forced to child labor. 

Moreover, Mission Heal works actively against the violence and exploitation of children in India. Many cases are reported on a daily basis where children and women become subject to domestic violence and exploitation. Trust records its protest against those sad incidents at national and international level.

Demonstration Effect

There is no denying the fact that Mission Heal Foundation has so many achievements and success stories in its credit. An important change the Trust brings in the society is the promotion of welfare activities. Many individual and groups have been inspired by the struggle and successful journey of Mission Heal. Social and economic problems in India are extremely complicated; they cannot be resolved without collective efforts and planning. Prosperous sections of the society should come forward in order to help those who are completely helpless and homeless. So far as morality is concerned, helping others is a duty of every civilized citizen of the society. It is the only way to achieve ultimate progress and state of well being. By ignoring underprivileged class it is impossible to proceed on the road of development. Mission Heal Foundation is a great inspiration for those who want to help the helpless. 

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