Monday, November 3, 2014

Mission Heal | Giving the under-privileged a chance With Mission Heal

Even as one of the biggest economies of the world, India has a large population who are illiterate. These people are faced with many hardships because of their illiteracy. Poverty, unemployment as well as irrational thinking are some of the consequences faced by such people. These consequences have a heavy toll on the standard of living of these people and later on turns into a vicious cycle. This illiterate population has no skills or source of income which later on leads to poverty for the families. These families later on find it difficult to school their children. Hence it is necessary for the people of India to be literate and educated to some extent, so that they are independent as well as responsible citizens.

The main reasons why there is a huge amount of illiteracy in India is because of its backwardness, poverty and mindset of the people. Poverty stricken people will always stay hidden in their cocoon; sheltered from the outside world. They always feel that the middle class will condescend them. This behavior of the poor will never let them reap the benefits of the outside world. Poverty is also one of the deciding factors why the lower class cannot send their children to school. Poverty stricken families send their children to work to earn some money to feed the family. The final deciding factor is the mindset of the people. The caste system of India prevents the upper class and the middle class to interact with the lower class thus secluding them from the poor people. Due to less interaction the upper class does not have the opportunity to help these people. It is of prime importance to change the mind-set of these people.

Many organizations, including government as well as NGO’s are working towards helping these under-privileged. Mission Heal is one such organization that has directed all its resources towards the eradication of illiteracy in India. Along with propagating the value literacy, Mission Heal also works towards educating women. This NGO has been the foremost in voicing the right to free education for all. They have also initiated a few camps to help the poor. These camps include providing free medical care, donation of books and clothes and also providing midday meals for the under-nourished. These camps are extremely generous to all people and do not discriminate between gender and caste.

Many individuals have come together to help NGO’s like Mission Heal. Mission Heal graciously accepts donations of any kind. They also motivate people to join their cause by working for the organization and personally helping individuals. Personally helping poor people will give you a sense of pride which you will find nowhere or in any work you do.

It is necessary for all people to donate generously to such causes as well as it is more important to sympathize with the poor or the under-privileged and step down from your family or personal duties to help such people for it is beneficial to the society as well as the nation. 

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