Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mission Heal | On a Mission to save our planet

The primary task of nature conservation and biological preservation of nature has expanded over time. In the last decade or so, biological preservation has taken the peak position in the nature conservation work. Nature conservation is an important component of a sustainable society. Most of our resources are extracted from nature, hence it is of vital importance we protect it. A symbiotic relationship between man and nature must exist for the growth of both. The nature around us is a signature of our ancestors too. All our cultural aspects are derived from them. 

Over the last decade or so, there has been misuse of natural resources without any plan of replenishing them. Such misuse of resources can only have drastic effects. It is necessary to handle them with care so that the future generations reap the benefits. Measures like protecting forest land, reducing the areas of the dump-zones as well promoting wildlife sanctuaries and zoos are the advanced ways of contributing to nature. Whereas on an individual level the following will help you saving our motherland:

1.     Reducing pollution

2.     Decreasing the level of CFC’s (Chlorofluorocarbons) in the atmosphere 

3.     Using petrol and other natural resources conservatively

4.     Increasing the awareness among family members.

These simple measures help in protecting the ecosystem and enhancing it.

Mission Heal is an NGO present in Delhi that has devoted its resources for improving the aesthetic nature of the country. They help in by educating the youth by teaching them to understand how to preserve the environment. It is essential to inculcate discipline right from the roots. Mission Heal has understood this and they are teaching young students the basic rules on saving the ecosystem. Educating them is the right path for saving the ecosystem. Mission Heal also works towards eradicating illiteracy in India. Most of their programs circulate around educating women and children. 

It is essential to understand that various organizations are working towards restoring the ecosystem. We as common citizens must also play an active role in it. Contributing towards organizations like Mission Heal in the form of donations or by providing a helping hand is our duty. Remember, it is not only their environment, but is also ours.

In these desperate times of saving the environment, it is of prime importance to know that some effects are truly irreversible and these effects can have a long lasting impact on Earth. The Earth’s system is a series of links. If one fails all the others fail. For example, pollution leads to climate change which results into shortage of food or famines. Such changes can lead of extinction of species. It is of paramount importance to handle our resources carefully and stringently. 

People need to use simple steps to maintain equilibrium in nature. “Reduce, Reuse, And Recycle”and “Walk and Save Money”are simple steps that can be adhered to save our ecosystem. So step out of the closet and make a positive difference to the society and mother-nature.

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