What is a nation when its children lay in poverty and are illiterate? It is a known fact that illiteracy is the root cause of the other ailments caused to the society. Poverty, riots, alcohol and drug consumption as well as superstitions take birth because of illiteracy and lack of education. Lack of education leads to people thinking irrationally. Logic and reason escape them. These are the people instigating communal and political riots. It is necessary to curb these inadequacies of society by creating awareness in the society regarding the need for education for both women and children. Eradicating the society of illiteracy will reduce half the nation’s problems. The nation can then direct its resources for other needs of the society.
Various government organizations and NGO’s are working towards this project. Mission Heal is an NGO which has diverted all its energy towards educating young women as well as children. They believe in women's literacy because it wants to free them from the shackles women are bound in; giving them career options as well as fortifying their knowledge on being a better parent. Mission Heal also helps young children by organizing various events to guide them on the righteous path. Mission Heal also helps in environmental protection through its various activities. It is also necessary to know that Mission Heal is an NGO without any political or any religious backgrounds.
Mission Heal leads by setting examples to other NGO’s. It has split into many groups to reach farther to people. Mission Heal has organized free Medical Camps as well donation of books for the poor. They also organize free midday meals for the needy. Clothes are also distributed to these children. Mission Heal asks the support of all of us for supporting this cause. Donations are gladly accepted. Personal help is also a way you can add to this organization.
We, the educated people of India should understand the consequences of illiteracy. But what causes people to hesitate to learn and grow. There are various reasons why children drop out of school or why the attrition rate is so high. Poverty and family background is the main reason for this. Poverty restrains families to sending children for schooling. These children later turn out to become not what they could have been if luck had been on their side. Similarly the family background of the potential student matters. If he comes from a family that is reluctant to send him from schooling then it is difficult for that child to gain a formal education. Poverty is linked to such a kind of family background in many cases. Women, on the other hand, are suppressed from getting educated, which occurs mainly in the rural areas. Literacy for the interested women is necessary for them to understand and take control of the situations around them. After all, education is for one and all.
So is it not time to help the people who are in need? Our passive behavior will affect the society and nation. It is time to give back to the people who need it.

There is a growing need for the people of India to address the need for the literacy of population in India. The population of India is growing day-by-day. Along with the population growth, there is a constant rise of illiterate people. Measures have to be taken to curb the growth of illiterate people. Preventive measures have to be taken to contain this epidemic illiteracy. Government has passed bills like RTE (Right to Education) to reduce the levels of illiteracy in India. But it is also our job to participate in activities like campaigning and creating awareness for education in the country
Mission Heal is an NGO (Non-Government Organization) that has bought about reformation in the society. This organization is based in Delhi and has disintegrated into smaller groups to help the society. This organization has helped in organizing various events like free health camps, donation of books and clothes as well as providing midday meals for the poor. Various special cases like educating a child are taken up by Mission Heal to accomplish. Mission Heal helps people irrespective of caste, since it has no affiliations with any religion or government. They have also been in the forefront for voicing the needs for free education for children. The government has responded to their claims by passing the RTE which allows free education for all the under-privileged students by taking up the burden of the fees and books onto their shoulders. Prioritizing women-education has also been one of the agendas of Mission Heal. Along with children and women's education, environment protection has also been an objective for the NGO.
It is proud to notice that along with the support of the government, numerous other individuals have contributed towards Mission Heal in various ways. Donations as well personal help has been offered to Mission Heal. This NGO is glad to welcome any new member. With the growing number of illiterate cases in India and very few NGO’s available, helping the poverty stricken class has become tough. This concern is clearly voiced out by Mission Heal and they are in dire need of new members to support them.
What is the cause leading to illiteracy? Well, the main reason for illiteracy is poverty. Poverty makes people do the things that they would not have imagined. Poverty creates fear, hunger and illiteracy. The lower class people send their small children to work to make ends meet. These situations blind the child from the prospect of education. The next reason is family background. In most cases the family itself is illiterate so how can it guide the children.
These are the reasons worked on by the NGO’s. Manipulating the child’s mind to show him the righteous path is their main objective. Once the child has a passion to learn and get educated, he will automatically start learning even without the guidance of anyone.
So it is the duty of all citizens to help poor children for the nation’s future rests on them.
India is the land of culture and knowledge. The Vedas have substantiated that India is one of the oldest countries where knowledge first sprung from. Although we have such facts that not only bring gratification, but pride to India why have we fallen behind in educating the under-privileged? The only prevailing reason is our ego and caste-system. Our ego will never let us help anybody we consider below our caliber and our caste will deny us permission in reaching out to the needy and under-privileged. It is necessary to overcome these barriers with determination to help the poor and needy people.Even after decades of learning from our mistakes, many rural families are reluctant in letting the girl child get educated. But it is of peak importance that the girl child be educated because one day that girl will become a parent and she should be educated enough to understand her responsibility as a parent and a wife. Also education opens up various career options for her. A literate girl is no longer bound to the prospect of becoming a housewife. She has the ability and confidence to chase her own dreams. Several NGO’s across the country are chasing this dream; providing essential education to the women of this society. Mission Heal is one such organization that provides a great platform for women empowerment and free education for all. Mission Heal is based in Delhi and has active participation in voicing its claims for free education. The NGO has no affiliations with political or any religious backgrounds and works for the sole betterment of the society.Mission Heal organizes various camps for the underprivileged to show their concern towards them. Camps for free medical checkups, donation of books as well as providing midday meals are some of the activities undertaken by Mission Heal. Clothes are also donated to the needy. Such camps restore faith in the under-privileged and show them that there is a chance for them leading a better life. It also brings a smile across the faces of those children filled with contentment. These small deeds can change the attitude of the society. Mission Heal tries to set an example for the people to contribute towards the society. Mission Heal wants all of us to contribute to the cause. It expects our favors in donations or by our deeds. Like all NGO’s they want to free people from their shackles of poverty and illiteracy and expect us to join the cause so that we can take pride in what we have done. Also, as many hands join the cause the faster we will accomplish it. No matter the difficulties we face the common man has to step down from his social and family duties to help his society and country eradicate the disease that has made the lives of so many people miserable. It is only when we pool our resources together as well work under one banner can we cast away the threat illiteracy poses towards our society.

many societies, women are neglected, discriminated, violated and left
dejected. A baby girl is regarded as a bad omen to many Indian
households. This has led to cases of infanticide that has led to loss of
millions of female children in the country. What then needs to be done?
The government may be trying their best to make life worth living for
women, but the road is still not clear as more violations are reported
on a daily basis. On championing for women's rights in
the country and making their lives better, Mission Heal has come out to
ensure all women are accorded their rightful places in the society.
This is ensured through the following ways;
Promoting equality through education
Education is a great asset to any child today, no matter the gender. For that reason, Mission Heal has embarked in support girl-child education
besides free education for all so as to empower the female with skills
and knowledge that will come in handy when needed later in life. Mission
Heal has even gone ahead to offer special scholarships for needy girls
in the society to ensure they complete their education and get ready for
the tasks ahead in their lives. Supplying school girls with sanitary
pads has also ensured that the girls retain their respect and hygiene
while in school and even outside.
Empowering women through vocational trainings
There are many women who are past the school going age, but still active and strong to take part in societal development.
This does not mean that they are useless towards community development.
Through Mission Heal, several vocational training centers have been
opened up to ensure all women get essential knowledge and skills that
will enable them to earn a living. Such skills as tailoring and weaving
have enabled many women in the society earn a living and contribute
immensely towards societal development.
Financial support
Many women are left stranded because they lack the resources to get them going in life. Through this initiative by Mission Heal,
many women have managed to get their lives on track by borrowing money
at no interest to start their own businesses which have in turn helped
them live a better quality life and besides contribute towards societal
Sensitizing women
Mission Heal organizes
for summer camps to sensitize women on the need to become self reliant
and sufficient. This may sound as mere words given to the women
attendants, but the effect goes a long way to change the society for the
better. In such camps, women are also sensitized on their own rights
and how to report cases of violation of the rights. The need for girl-child education, equality, women's rights and several others are aired during such camps.
In order for India to achieve social-economic development,
the society needs to liberate all women so that they can also
contribute towards societal development among other things. As the
saying goes, “what a man can do, a woman can do even much better”. Let’s
all join hands with Mission Heal to support and liberate our women so that we can together change the society for the better.
In the near past, infanticide was a common practice in India simply
because of child stereotyping. Besides that, stereotyping regarding
gender stats at birth when the child is confirmed to be a girl. This
kind of sexual, emotional and psychological alignment may go a long way
till one is old enough. Mission Heal, an NGO in India
is working tirelessly to break this type of stereotyping by educating
the society on the equality of all genders in the society. This
organization basically works for the welfare of the needy and less
privileged but all the same, comes in to solve various challenges facing
the society as a whole. This involves working for women to change their
lives for the better and respecting their gender.

By empowering women through the vocational trainings organized by the
trust, it is possible to break the stereotyping that has existed for a
long time. Going against the cultural norms where the place of women is
regarded as the kitchen will help a great deal get elevate women to the
next level. From statistics, there are many corporate women who have
broken loose and achieved amazing success as compared to their male
counterparts. Women's rights have been violated time and again without
any effort made to hold those involved responsible. It is for such
reasons that mission Heal comes forward to protect the women from being
subjected to various challenges. Getting rid of the stereotyping is a
great effort made by Mission Heal to bring about great changes to the society.
Woman status ought to be respected across the world and that is exactly
what Mission Heal looks forward to achieve in India today. The
systematic gender discrimination that has existed in the country for a
long time, but it is time to say no to such acts of disrespect. Among
other problems include the infamous payment of dowry by the parents of
girls when they get married, domestic violence against women and many
more. In order for Mission heal
to provide the best ever services to these women, all stakeholders are
requested and encouraged to take part in the noble cause to save our
sisters and mothers from various challenges they are currently facing.
In the 21st century, such problems faced by women are quite unfortunate and that is why Mission Heal
comes forward to help drive the cause to the end by ensuring equality
in all realms of life. The Indian society needs to appreciate the role
played by women in improving the economic and social development in the
country. Without the support of well wishers and donors from across the
country and other parts of the world, women in India today could be
faced with even bigger challenges.
The professionals working
with Mission Heal comprise of educated and literate women who understand
what the fellow women are going through and the rights that are
violated. With the help of such diplomats, Mission Heal
has managed to put the family together to fight the same cause of
making the society a better place starting with empowering women in all
aspects of life.
The sole purpose of any government in the world is to
ensure all its people live a quality and fulfilled life. This is the
same case with India, though several challenges are facing the
government’s intention to have things working differently for all its
citizens because of the high population in the country. Despite the
efforts the government makes, several people are still struggling with
minor challenges of illiteracy, hunger, diseases and lack of basic
needs. This is basically because of unequal distribution of resources to
the various marginalized sections of the country. This has led to an
increased gap between the rich and the poor in the country. The
intention of Mission Heal is to bridge this gap and eradicating various problems faced by people in the society as a whole.

Mission Heal
is here delivering various services to the society through a number of
schemes and projects that are intended to improve the quality of life
for all. A number of campaigns have been rolled out by this organization
in the name of bringing about long-lasting changes in the society. Some
of the campaigns include;
Provision of free medical care
The children, widows, disabled, elderly and the public in general
need better quality health care so as to enable the country prosper to
the next level. It takes the government and other stakeholders to
organize for a better way to offer medical checkups and treatment to the
needy in the society. Mission Heal with the help of professional and
experienced medics offers free medical checkups
and treatment of the children, disabled and all needy members in the
society. That is the only way to create a vibrant population that will
work to help the society achieve its goals and objectives.
Provision of free education
Education is
regarded as the only vicious cycle of poverty breaker. For that reason,
Mission Heal is committed to ensuring all children in the country
access decent education that will help shape their future. Illiteracy is
a disease that has brought about several other challenges, including
poverty and corruption in the country. Its cure is support education for all children, including the street, slum and rural areas children.
Vocational training
youth, women and widows now have a chance to live their dreams, even
though they didn’t get the basic education while they were young. Mission Heal offers
vocational training to these special groups where special skills are
learnt to help them earn a living. Weaving, woodwork and pottery are
some of the hand-skills that these individuals learn in the vocational
centers to make them self reliant and independent.
Disaster management
disasters and calamities affect the progress in the country a great
deal. Mission Heal through its professional disaster awareness and
management team gives the society hope of a better life after the
calamities. Through awareness campaigns
carried out across the country, Mission Heal manages to alert people on
the pending disasters and that way making them aware and possibly able
to decide on what to do to avoid more losses.
All the campaigns and projects are rolled out in good faith to change
the society for the better. You can as well join the process and make
the society a better place for all including the poor and needy in the