Woman has been a perpetual subject to violence and discrimination since the beginning human life on the planet. However, in so many civilized communities around the world, their rights and status has been restored. Ironically, the problem of gender discrimination and exploitation of woman still prevails in India. There is no denying the fact that women cover the fifty percent of the total population and, therefore, no considerable development can be made without the active part of women. Denying the contributions a woman can make to society would lead to stagnant growth and many social evils. Mission Heals has offered a strong resistance against all kinds of injustices against woman in India.
http://missionheal.orgWoman empowermentIt is inevitable to acknowledge the women's rights in order to make economic growth unstoppable. In this context, Mission Heal Foundation campaigns to spread awareness in socially, economically backward communities where the woman is merely considered slaves. The trust puts great emphasis on some activities which can be enlisted as:· Promotion of gender equality and woman rights· Eradication of violence of every kind from the society· Equal education and job opportunities for womenFast growth of the society can be taken as granted by empowering women and giving them a chance to participate like man to reshape the country entirely. Mission Heal contributes in many ways to make the woman in India strong and independent like in Europe. The trust is honestly striving to give woman, her deserved place in society. Moreover, Mission Heal Foundation advocates strongly the representation of woman in every local, national and international body so that they can record their problems and atrocities they are suffering through. Mission Heal Foundation’s Struggle to Promote Woman IndependenceEducated and civilized society clearly understands the role independent women can play in the progress of any society. Educating a woman is something equal to educating an entire generation. In rural and backward areas of India equal educational opportunities is still a far cry even in this 21st century.It is a high time to stand with the voices like Mission Heal to completely abolish ignorance and injustices. Dedicated people working at Mission Heal understand the significance of Independence and education of women. Therefore, they keep launching different programs like rallies and protests against all sorts of domestic violence. Every individual should understand that women are not inferior being. They are entitled to the same rights and privileges as men. The important factor that the thrust emphasizes is to impart awareness and education in villages and far remote areas where it’s hard to back the case of woman rights. In this century, it is highly unbearable that millions of women live as ugly lives as they were living centuries ago. There is no significant difference in their condition and place in society. It is true that in cities where people are educated, woman is not subject to the oppression and dominance of men. However, the major part of the Indian population has been living in villages and backward areas. Mission Heal Foundation, therefore, is doing a great service to humanity for the prosperity of the Indian society.
Statistics related to unemployment, poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy and number of underprivileged children explicitly demonstrate the moral bankruptcy of Indian society. Socioeconomic inequalities have been damaging moral standards to an alarming extent. There are a number of non-governmental organizations which have been working to restore the moral values in the society. However, they have made an insignificant change in uplifting people morally. Mission Heal, being an exception, has been successfully striving for years to educate people the importance of education and morally healthy life. The awareness programs of the trust on various issues are aimed at bringing about a positive change in a way that the underprivileged people put up a fight to make their life better.
Education of Children
Education is considered a fundamental right of every child. Mission Heal Foundation completely realizes the importance of the fact that only education can change the lives of millions for better. Mentally and physically healthy children are well equipped to assure the prosperity of any country. Mission Heal strongly emphasizes on education of children. The struggle of the trust in this regard can be summarized as:
· The prime focus is to educate children
· Provision of free schooling and educational material
· A team of volunteer teachers to educate children the morality of life
Mission Heal Foundation organizes awareness and distribution camps where the volunteers, who are well trained, discharge their services as teachers, doctors and work force to carry out numerous welfare activities.
Volunteerism at Mission Heal
The participation of individuals in welfare activities of any welfare institute is of inevitable importance. Mission Heal Foundation welcomes volunteers from all around the country to come forward and play their role in the betterment of the poor communities living in backward areas where it is hard to provide educational and health aid. Volunteers participate in organizing awareness camps where they forward the agenda of the trust whole heartedly. Moreover, the contribution of individuals in uplifting the poor class helps promote the importance of high moral standards.
Mission Heal Foundation, therefore, has been playing a pivotal role to mobilize communities for good. Morality demands of every individual to participate in any sense to the betterment of the society. There are so many ways individuals having different skills and education can be helpful in the trust’s activities. Some of the contributions of the trust in this regard can be enlisted as:
· Volunteerism instills a sense of responsibility in every individual
· Volunteers are given a chance to realize their strength
· Significance of morality can only be learnt through feeling the pain of others.
Moral Standards and Developing Nations
India has been still considered on the road to achieve the status of being developed. However, the pace of growth is not satisfactory. Social evils and bad health conditions are still lingering. Fact that hunger is widespread and millions of people have been facing food insecurities put a question mark on the moral standards of Indian society. Mission Heal has been trying its best to eradicate all kinds of social inequalities to make India morally and financially prosper.
Non-governmental organizations have assumed a vital role in the welfare of the underprivileged class all around the globe. However, there are few NGOs which are truly non-profit and working merely for the welfare of people. Mission Heal Foundation has one of those welfare organizations which have been actively participating in the development of people in India. It concentrates most of its energies and resources in empowering children through promoting education and restoration of child rights in India. It can justly be said that the Mission Heal Foundation has been striving to accelerate the healing process of Indian society. Contributions of Mission Heal Foundation in Education sectorThere are a number of achievements and success stories which are attached with the name of the trust. A considerable number of case studies have been mentioned in the website of the trust to show some of the contributions to common people. The contributions of the trust range from health awareness camps to the provision of free education to the children who can hardly afford to go to a school. Those children are served with the quality education and environment where they successfully realize their rights and place in the society. Some of the contributions of the Mission Heal in the field of child education are:· Children are given free education material · The trust provides a learning friendly environment for the children· Mission Heal gives a chance to grow and prosperContributions of the Trust in Health sectorOnly healthy minds can build a healthy society. Innocent homeless children are in millions in India who are suffering from fatal diseases like Thalassemia. It is inevitable that organizations like Mission Heal Foundation should come forward and play their role in freeing India of all diseases. Every child dying of hunger and diseases is a precious asset which must be saved at any cost. It is a duty of every individual and state to form concrete policies to completely eradicate social evils and build a strong future by protecting children and poor people from diseases. Contributions in the health sector can be enlisted as:· Health awareness camps· Free distribution of medicine· A team of competent doctors to discharge welfare dutiesMission Heal Foundation does not leave any stone unturned in this respect. Awareness campaigns are organized on a regular basis to educate people on the importance of sending children to school rather than sending at work places where they become subject to many atrocities. A country cannot progress where millions of children are forced into child labor and deprived of quality education. Therefore, it’s time to endorse and appreciate the contributions of Mission Heal Foundation in an appropriate manner and free India of poverty and diseases. It is the only way to eradicate hunger and miseries. India is still considered a home where hunger prevails to an alarming extent. It is a bitter reality that in the twenty first century, millions of people in India are vulnerable to hunger and food insecurities. It’s the high time to fight back and make India land of prosperous people.